JFugue has been used in a number of applications, including software projects and artistic installations.
"There are so many interactive artistic installations that are very creative, but to bring actual science into the fold is altogether different, and rarely done."
It contains 260 works of art by contemporary artists, including paintings, sculpture, engravings, designs, photographs, and artistic installations.
Perhaps we should view it just as a hugely expensive artistic installation, which actually makes me think better of it.
The artist having disappeared before the millennium, his project of alphabet primer in movement could inspire new creations and artistic installations.
David's office, wonderfully made into an artistic installation, is a memorial in itself.
The columns are part of an artistic installation with three paths leading away from the triangular base of the trees.
They are well known for a wide variety of artistic installations, built on the themes of display, tourism, surveillance, ritual, control, and selling and buying.
Open from 18 September 2009, Screen Worlds is a permanent exhibition exploring all aspects of the moving image using objects, footage and artistic installations.
She was a feminist, publishing works on a range of controversial issues and producing challenging artistic installations.