Many modern leaders have exploited the artistic imagery if not the theology of apotheosis.
Expressionist movies relied heavily on symbolism and artistic imagery rather than stark realism to tell their stories.
He has at his fingertips a large bank of Western artistic and religious imagery.
His often laborious artistic imagery has never been so distant as it is from this slight, gleeful work.
The music, again by Bhansali, and the artistic visual imagery that the film evokes act as lifesavers when the screenplay gets a bit monotonous.
Over time, Fairey's artistic imagery has evolved into a sometimes subtle, sometimes not, parody of a range of iconic styles, mostly a juxtaposition of popular political propagandas and multi-national commercialism.
As a whole, "Freud's Children" poses some troubling questions about artistic imagery and its political significance - or lack thereof.
I've been programmed to write in journalistic style, so don't expect scintillating metaphors or artistic imagery.
Religious art or sacred art is artistic imagery using religious inspiration and motifs and is often intended to uplift the mind to the spiritual.
Archaeologists have tried in recent years to interpret the meaning of the ritual artifacts and artistic imagery found at Spiro and other Mississippian sites.