The artistic canons that Gradowczyk refers to were propagated by the official Argentine art institutions, who favored visual representations associated with national icons.
There were no names in the artistic canon for these colors.
This specific artistic canon may have been inspired by Ramos Polychrome, a type of pottery made in northwest Chihuahua beginning about 1200.
In addition, the science of superficial anatomy includes the theories and systems of body proportions and related artistic canons.
They all ask whether a dog is (by the highest artistic canons) the most ornamental appendage that can be put at the end of a tail.
The city was a remarkable technical achievement, denoting a sophisticated culture with ancient traditions and well-developed artistic canons.
Both the artistic canon and individual memories change over time in response to external stimuli.
Traditionally, American clarinetists have coveted purity of tone, largely excluding vibrato from their artistic canon.
In recent years the Walker has begun collecting from groups who have remained outside the traditional artistic canon.
They challenged the political and status quo and experimented with muralism but kept certain traditional artistic canons.