Haberle originally trained as an engraver, which helped prepare him for his particular artistic calling.
"Shoes are full of life and character," said Mr. Petti, whose artistic calling is to paint shoes.
She may have been attracted to play a dancer, as dancing was her original artistic calling.
Possessed by the desire to control, they are also convinced that their aggression is redeemed by a high artistic calling, proof of which is usually lacking.
One image in particular captures the essence of the artistic calling.
And yet, Mr. Solomon continues, this same insularity may have buttressed the proud autonomy of Schubert's artistic calling.
From early on he has felt his artistic calling, entering his first workshop at the age of 5.
Guarnieri's young Giotto struggles with his artistic calling and talent and with his lack of technique.
It wasnt, at least at the time, an artistic calling.
Struggling to make ends meet, he foregoes his artistic calling and draws for magazines.