Next weekend, more than 120 artists from the neighborhood are staging what is being billed as a three-day multimedia arts festival under the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges.
These artists interacted with the staff, offered informal gatherings, and staged performances on the newly created dance platform.
He started producing spot paintings again, and - as happens every few years - this 46-year-old artist is staging yet another spectacle.
Long-forgotten, and in many cases dead, artists were staging a quiet comeback among Armored Combat Suit units.
The four artists got together and, in 1964, staged Nós, por exemplo (We, for example).
Instead of an imaginary city, the artist staged the figures against the profile of Amsterdam.
The following shows the artists staged in TIMF's history complying with these 2 categories.
Delving deeper into questions of authenticity, the artist has also staged events that cross the boundaries of academic presentations, guided tours, and performance art.
An anonymous artist staged an unwelcome one-person show at two of the city's leading museums last weekend.
And some people are concerned that disgruntled artists may stage a public protest at next year's Grammy awards, as they did last February, in a bid for greater autonomy.