Therefore, one story describing the creation of his statue notes that when the artist sculpted him wearing a cravat, Smith refused to pay until the offending item had been chiseled off.
A prolific artist, Bewick paints in oil, sculpts, and works with cloth, but is most associated with watercolours.
An artist drew it and sculpted it, and another sort made the die.
Non finito sculptures appear unfinished because the artist only sculpts part of the block, leaving the figure appearing to be stuck within the block of material.
Over the years, several different artists have sculpted the Butter Cow for the Iowa State Fair.
Our children make snowmen, and our artists sculpt ice palaces, which no Californian can mold out of what his state's mudslides bring.
The Guatemalan-born artist sculpted and painted images of pre-Hispanic legends from Mexico.
Mr. Lévesque hopes that if he can find Champlain's skull, researchers could approximate his physical appearance and artists could finally paint and sculpt an accurate resemblance of the explorer.
Meanwhile, an obscure artist then in the Navy, Felix de Weldon, hastily sculpted a statue based on the photograph.
Frequently, artists sculpt physical models of what they want and scan them into digital form rather than directly creating digital models on a computer.