This often allows artists to reach a much wider audience than would normally be possible as a local band.
Every group or artist reaches that point and there are two ways to respond.
The artists will all reach a bigger audience, who can ably judge the work, and it's moral & emotional depth, for themselves.
Working on Strindberg somehow inspires artists to reach for more.
It was obvious that the artist had reached a point of hysteria.
Eleven other artists have reached the 3 million mark in paid downloads with one (and only one) song.
The evening was not without missteps, but that comes with the territory whenever artists reach beyond their grasp.
But in this new kind of dance artists reached into themselves to make their own rules.
Over the last six years Ms. Harris has attained a point in her career that few artists ever reach.
They have the option to donate to help artists reach their goal.