More than a hundred artists and artist collectives from three dozen countries mostly play along.
Exhibitors include galleries, project spaces, artist collectives, curatorial groups and publications.
Angry parents and others say three artist collectives are joining with City Hall to elbow out the nursery - a claim the artists deny.
The Rock Heroes are one of the artist collectives operating under the Big Eye Music banner specializing in modern and classic rock.
By and large an artist haven, downtown there are many galleries and two artist collectives.
Former warehouses and mill buildings in Olneyville were home to a number of artist collectives including Fort Thunder in the 1990s.
The Joan Mitchell Foundation awards grants and stipends to painters, sculptors, and artist collectives.
Roughly the same age (mid-20's to mid-30's), they have come to the fore in the last few years and are committed to showing new work by emerging artists and artist collectives.
Most of the contributions, though, are by artist collectives, which have an increasing presence internationally.
More traditional artist collectives tend to be smallish groups of two to eight artists who produce work, either collaboratively or as individuals toward exhibiting together in gallery shows or public spaces.