The shows on the following Fridays featured various different artists much admired by her over the years.
For an artist widely admired for her monkish consistency, Ms. Martin's grid paintings are remarkably diverse.
The artists of the Romantic period admired nature greatly and praised its beauty.
Both show examples of the dramatic north Wales landscape for which the artist is most well-known and admired.
Because of what he had done, younger artists heard about him and admired him.
The artists Ms. Galas admires all acted as emissaries, like herself; that is why they had to be courageous.
All these reflect that the artist admired the culture of Tang Dynasty.
In France she performed on television and became a well-known figure and artist and a much admired singer.
Beethoven was a composer whom the artist greatly admired, as his elder brother confirmed later on.
Yet asked which contemporary artists he admires, he was considerably more reserved.