Models may have included the Freisprechung ritual in artisan guilds, where apprentices were admitted to the status of journeymen.
During this time, women also were allowed to be part of some artisan guilds.
At the local level, labor organizations also took the form of artisan guilds, cooperatives, and neighborhood associations.
One of these officials named Haidar Qassab, who was possibly a member of the artisan guild, murdered him around 1352.
They formed an artisan guild to cover their covert activities, and they sent a group to Cernăuţi, Romania to seek out escape routes.
Numerous artisan guilds existed here at that time: blacksmiths, shoemakers, tailors, cloth makers, butchers and others.
Restrictive legislation, such as that of artisan guilds, could prevent the reception of innovation and force the exponents of a new process into the less organized countryside.
In 1293 this council was chosen from the eighteen trade and artisan guilds and its meetings were presided over by the guild Obermeister.
The latter included merchants trading in the bazaars, the trade and artisan guilds (asnāf) and members of the quasi-religious organizations run by dervishes (futuvva).
Florentine crafts made in Florence, Italy, are a centuries-old tradition maintained by several artisan guilds.