He appears to be affecting a foreign accent and artificially aged with make-up.
Mason and Mullen are artificially aged to play the old couple.
"Are you aware that documents can be artificially aged?"
His symbiote is artificially aged to dust and his body is caught in a massive explosion.
Some of these have been artificially aged from the factory and are known as Lacquered Tweed "Relic" editions.
Artificially aged by an acid chemical.
Others may use antique salvage bricks, or new bricks may be artificially aged by applying various surface treatments, such as tumbling.
I have discovered this evening that whiskey can be artificially aged by irradiating it.
Her jeans hadn't been artificially aged like the ones teenagers wore, either; they had earned each stain and every faded patch.
Bleached flour is artificially aged using a bleaching agent, a maturing agent, or both.