This has been tested by comparing predation rates at artificial nests with and without playbacks of bird begging calls.
In particular, the stock of domestic brown trout is supported by "cocooning" and "artificial nests".
In particular, the use of "artificial nests" (spawning beds are directly injected into the substrate) supports the natural supply of brown trout.
"It's the first major attempt to attract bald eagles to artificial nests."
The purpose of this technique is to take eaglets (hacking) from wild nests and transfer them to a region where they are raised in artificial nests.
P. exclamans have also been observed occupying artificial nests put out by researchers and consisting of bundles of straws.
Measures were taken in biological forest pestscontrol; artificial nests were placed:
Well, we have lots of techniques, but, of course, basically, in the laboratory, for much of it, we have to use artificial nests.
Gray Jays directed their attacks on artificial arboreal nests more often than artificial ground nests.
About 90,000 of the sturdy artificial nests have been placed in national refuges as well as on state and private lands around the country.