The bank, as an artificial, non-human entity, was obviously incapable of being negligent itself in fact.
This is in contrast to private property, owned by an individual person or artificial entities that represent the financial interests of persons, such as corporations.
An artificial entity such as an organisation cannot function except in the name of a body corporate.
It is the struggle for existence by an artificial entity.
Creatures of statute may include municipalities and other artificial legal entities or relationships.
"Corporations and other artificial entities shall have no professional rights, privileges, or powers."
What the Terminator movies teach me is that artificial entities no longer trouble us per se.
Iraq is less a nation than an artificial entity drawn created by the British.
Imposing artificial entities that are representative only of themselves and subject to the ideology of Brussels is anything but democracy.
This theory treats the company as an artificial entity whose separate legal personality is granted as a privilege by the state.