The whole point is to transcend artificial dichotomies of gene and environment.
I've discovered that in some senses there's this artificial dichotomy between 'bankers' and activists.
According to Linda Zerilli and Donna Haraway, "'taxonomies' of feminism ... can create artificial dichotomies between feminist discourses that seriously impede constructive political debates about subjectivity for women."
You present the issue as an artificial dichotomy, suggesting that a parent must choose between career and family.
It's time to end this artificial dichotomy.
Gramarye's real contribution will be the wiping out of this artificial dichotomy we've developed between intuition and intellect, humanity and technology.
"It's the most abstract and artificial dichotomy in the world," he said.
This body of theory criticizes the rigidity of ontological boundaries and attempts to denaturalize artificial dichotomies.
This tidy, artificial dichotomy does not hold together in the light of real life.
Developmental psychobiologists also tend to be systems thinkers, avoiding the reification of artificial dichotomies (e.g., "nature" vs. "nurture").