An ingenious new method of creating artificial bone makes use of something many people have in their home: an inkjet printer.
Find out how an inkjet printer can turn out artificial bones.
There has been much research towards creating artificial bone.
They can, for instance, advance the stiffness by the use of poles of light metal, representing longer, artificial bones.
Within 12 hours, the crystal structure of the artificial bone gives it strength equal to or greater than that of the surrounding bone.
Yet Discovery News is reporting a new procedure may make it possible to turn a block of wood into artificial bone.
In addition, the end bones of his middle fingers were removed and replaced with artificial bones containing tiny pistols.
Hair implants and artificial bone in his legs to make him two inches taller.
The device is an implantable artificial bone that can expand as the child grows.
Other versions are being tested, including one in which the artificial bones are lengthened by electronic control from outside the body.