The article recommended that the government allow participants in Medicaid, the federal health program for more than 50 million low-income people, to "move into private insurance."
The article recommended that their pictures be shown on television "to warn citizens against them".
Other articles, by outside experts, also recommend ways the country might do a better job of protecting the environment.
The article recommended Parliament return to the original version of Bill C-37 by eliminating all exemptions.
It has always been interesting to note how many of the research articles have recommended that new mothers get more help at home to treat the depression.
The 1892 article recommended better drainage for Manhattan's subterranean water sources.
When I signed up, I went for the extra insurance at $3 a month, another option the article recommends.
Other articles recommend that users regularly clean the dust out of their computer to improve the cooling efficiency of their systems.
This article recommends the new sense of teleonomic entropy.
The article, which reviewed a variety of infections associated with cats, also recommended treating all cat bites with antibiotics.