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The article expressed concern for what children have been exposed to by these "dirty drivers".
While several municipal officials interviewed for this article expressed opposition to rent control, they spoke only on condition of anonymity.
He also said the article did not clearly express his views about recruiting Hispanic officers.
The article expressed great sadness at the toll drugs and violence are taking on the black community.
Every month I read articles expressing views that sharply contrasted with my usual sources of information.
Belkin's article on the growing backlash against children expressed many of my own views.
I was struck by how the young actors interviewed in your article never expressed a simple love of acting - just lust for fame.
For instance, a 2008 article expressed the wish that the debate on brain death be re-opened because of new developments in the medical world.
It would be a lot easier if the article expressed an objective, informed opinion on whether the self-published books mentioned are actually any good.
The newspaper's articles express student opinion and news from a student's point of view.