I don't care whether this article celebrates celebrity or ridicules it, aren't they different sides of the same coin?
Your article celebrating the Old Hollywood certainly perpetuated its duplicity.
In January, 2012, the journal began a series of retrospective articles celebrating the 10th anniversary of its publication.
To the Editor: Your article rightly celebrates the "innovation" of looping: students having the same teacher for multiple years.
"We don't believe it is accurate journalism to shower readers with a daily worry list," The Monitor said in an article celebrating its 75th birthday.
The article celebrated the importance of the mini-summit, but said Europe had "unfortunately wasted more than a year in pro-Chechen rhetoric."
In an article celebrating his work with the society, Herman Klein listed the new works that it had performed under Bridge's baton.
These articles celebrate this fascinating journey.
The articles celebrate our healthy curiosities.
It was featured three years ago in National Geographic magazine in an article celebrating the 25th anniversary of Earth Day.