Each newly revealed article aroused their curiosity and comment.
To begin with I should alienate from these wretched people over here all the sympathy which Philip Imrey's articles have aroused for them abroad.
Chen's articles strove to attract publicity, and often arouse discussion by using hyperbole.
The article has aroused intense opposition from experts in forensic psychology and psychiatry, who say the attack goes too far and is unfair.
His article should arouse the desire in patient and physician alike to form a more tolerant, more compassionate union.
Does any article of food arouse your enthusiasm?
These articles on the murders had aroused the suspicion of the police, since they contained information which was not released to the public.
At first the article had aroused only amused disbelief, but among the list of the scientists involved, Decker found the name Dr. Harold Goodman.
The article aroused considerable controversy, as was evident from the letters that soon appeared in Radio Times.
Dhaif is popular among youth and intellectuals, but her articles have always aroused controversy.