Researchers in Texas said today that they had developed the first animal model that mimics a family of human arthritic diseases.
Certain people who develop bacterial infections like chronic inflammatory bowel disease later become afflicted with the arthritic diseases.
There was a concerted attempt to implicate a group called the pleuropneumonia-like organisms as the cause of the arthritic diseases.
Evidence of arthritic disease was readily observed at baseline (Fig.
No one has ever tried gene therapy in any arthritic disease, and this new approach hopefully will lead to effective, appropriate treatment.
He was a rheumatologist and a pioneer in research on arthritic diseases and on aging.
Osteoporosis was less prevalent although arthritic diseases continued to be present.
Traditional Ayurvedic medicine considers castor oil the king of medicinals for curing arthritic diseases.
While at Mayo Clinic, Hench worked mainly on arthritic diseases.
This imaging process can be used with arthritic and rheumatoid diseases.