A $700 kitchen arrangement artfully combines dried wheat, artichokes and baskets.
It artfully combines market and public incentives.
Managed competition, as designed by Alain Enthoven of Stanford University, artfully combines competition and regulation.
The private resort island artfully combines jungle life with high-quality eco-tourism.
The most effective antipoverty program, Mr. Bernstein says, "would artfully combine the tax credit and minimum wages."
If it artfully combines the two ideas, Mr. Clinton could put together a first-rate reform.
The plan artfully combines regulation and competition.
What broke his spirit completely was the minister's thundering sermon artfully combining Exodus and Ezekiel and Leviticus.
This book reveals Karp's status as a methodological craftsperson who artfully combines in-depth interviewing, personal experience, and cogent analysis.
"Three Poets" artfully combines both of these dramatic interests.