What would motivate someone to the artful display of disemboweled organs, as in the Ripper case?
With banks of fresh produce carefully arranged in artful displays, and fresh fish, crab and other shellfish piled high on ice, this is the real heart of the market.
Instead, it is the artful display of an extremely manipulative rust fungus, which invades mustard plants and tricks them into assuming an entirely new shape topped by a bizarre pseudoflower fashioned of leaves.
These are a few details that distinguish just any old fire from an artful display.
Her blue eyes shone without cunning or artful display.
The interior was furnished with soft divans and was decorated with artful displays from the Tyrant's no-room.
It was not, in truth, a particularly artful display from the aesthetes of the SPL but they at least proved that they have more than one way to win a match.
Note the artful displays of flattened, dried ducks.
The British Embassy was the setting for Adam Jones's artful display of knitwear, made from gossamer lace and laser-cut tulle in styles as varied as corsets and evening dresses.