Giraffes do it by having thick arterial walls and a tight skin that works like a pressure suit.
Although experts don't know for sure what starts atherosclerosis, the process seems to stem from damage to the arterial wall.
On bad days, he thought he could actually feel his arterial wall building up with plaque.
"Over time, this assault on the arterial wall is what causes heart disease," she said.
Spontaneous cases are considered to be caused by intrinsic factors that weaken the arterial wall.
It is carried out by separating the plaque from the arterial wall.
It was clearly the pulsation of the arterial wall.
He looked through the ship's transparent hull again, his eyes focusing on the volume between himself and the arterial wall.
The danger of another stroke lies at the arterial wall.
It's at the arterial wall that the clots might form - not here.