This is thought to be due to the high luminal pressure in the arterial lines, which prevents reattachment of the branches back onto arterial vessels.
For instance, endothelin-1 infusion greatly increases the hyperplasia that follows from balloon-catheter injury of arterial vessels ().
Arteriogenesis refers to an increase in the diameter of existing arterial vessels.
The twins' brains appear to be separate, Dr. Goodrich said, but there is an "abutment" where the arterial vessels may cross over from one boy to another.
And you should also know there were signs of chronic vasoconstriction in the arterial vessels.
Varices usually occur in the venous system, but may also occur in arterial or lymphatic vessels.
Before using this medication, tell your doctor or pharmacist your medical history, especially of: high blood pressure, heart disease or blood clots (arterial vessels), kidney disease.
Computed tomography angiography (CTA) is a computed tomography technique used to visualize arterial and venous vessels throughout the body.
For another five minutes, she watched closely, in silence, as the graft throbbed like any normal, healthy arterial vessel, without any sign of chronic seepage.
Prior studies describe development of MCMV associated vascular lesions in large arterial vessels of mice.