He was clad entirely in black with a long trench coat and arrogantly refused to speak English language.
When he arrogantly refuses to submit to the same security procedure as everyone else, he not only shows that he condones unconscionable laxity.
Dukat had exacerbated his situation by arrogantly refusing to bow to the general condemnation of his half-Bajoran daughter, Ziyal.
Raut Mali arrogantly refused to pay heed to Kamlaji's word and ordered the field to be tilled.
When Halia's young sons arrogantly refused to let Aphrodite land upon their shore, the goddess cursed them with insanity.
Sergeant Winshiser and his men arrogantly refuse to use the sheriff's advice and help.
Andrade arrogantly refused the offer alleging that he preferred to die fighting "in the field of glory".
Meanwhile, Molly gets a glimpse of Simms' unpleasant side when he arrogantly refuses to give a child an autograph.
Today the executioners, as they sometimes did, were arrogantly refusing to heed the occasional shouted demands for a better view.
Under the ethics bill, House members next year will no longer accept honorarium fees for their appearances - a ban the Senate arrogantly refuses to match.