The soldiers who manned these tanks were highly disciplined and never appeared on the streets of any Polish community; there were no soldier-civilian brawls, no arrogant displays.
Some readers find it an arrogant display of power at the expense of an old man's dignity.
In its way, this passive yet almost arrogant display of geometrical perfection was as impressive as any of TMA-l's other attributes.
That has to be one of the most shameless, arrogant and cowardly displays I've ever seen from any politician let alone the leader of the opposition.
It was an arrogant display, and he ruffled out the thick mane of hair upon his shoulders.
She had not been favourably impressed by Trevor's arrogant display of bad manners, but kept her thoughts to herself.
In perhaps its most blatantly arrogant display of contempt for the popular will, Ford has for years been at the forefront of the fight to throw open America's borders, donating more than $6o million to the cause.
In addition, several opposition leaders complained they had been strong-armed into the agreement in what they regarded as an arrogant display of American certainty that it knows best.
What we have noticed is the general deteriorating condition of the park for the last few years, notwithstanding the summer barbecues, and the seeming increase in the arrogant display of entitlement and chauvinism in some of our neighbors.
His honor-guard came to a halt with a last stomped step and a loud, wordless shout; Marcus felt his men bristling at the arrogant display.