The messages from space had been arriving for almost ten years now.
It now estimates that 200,000 illegal immigrants will arrive each year for 60 years, twice the number assumed in the earlier report.
"I guess we won't arrive for two thousand years."
The school receives the equivalent of $100,000 worth of books, with a total of 1,880 arriving at the four each year for two years.
The Hungarians arrived at the 1952 Summer Olympics unbeaten for two years.
The news that one was headed toward Earth, even though it wouldn't arrive for roughly nine hundred years, had scared the pants off the general public.
They are still traveling on it, and will not arrive anywhere for at least a hundred and fifty thousand years.
You said you'd been watching ships arrive here for twenty thousand years, and no humanoid life-forms I know about live anywhere near that long.
So the new scientific expedition can't arrive for at least six years, ship time?
And this bird is not the first to arrive here for many years, and it did not bring a strange and puzzling message.