They arrived between 1912 and 1925 with a total of 14 engines produced.
Of the immigrants who arrived there between 1887 and 1902, 63.5% came from Italy.
More than a million Europeans arrived between 1945 and 1955.
Most of these artists were already trained in art when they moved to California, arriving between 1900 and the early 1920s.
When mcen176.2 they arrived there, between them jesus' garment was taken off.
They arrived here between 1847 to 1852, in ten sailing ships.
We are due to arrive between two and three in the morning.
Driving more slowly now, she arrived between four and five.
Of the 1 million immigrants who arrived between 1860 and 1900, just over half came from England.
The majority of Russian immigrants arrived between 1880 and 1921.