He was arrested protesting the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant near San Luis Obispo.
Dr. Cobb also started a program for women in prison, and was arrested on picket lines protesting South Africa's apartheid government.
He was arrested protesting against the Diablo Canyon Power Plant near San Luis Obispo.
On October 5, 2009, Sheehan was arrested with 60 others at the White House protesting President Obama's continuation of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The group's executive director, Jeff Berman, was one of seven people arrested 18 months ago protesting the expansion.
During the week the budget bill passed, more than a dozen people in the District were arrested protesting the shift of power from elected officials.
He was arrested in 1960 protesting against the government of Iraqi General Abd al-Karim Qasim.
But today - as on many days - small numbers of Falun Gong members were arrested protesting in and around Tiananmen Square.
First, they were the first of the more than 1,200 people arrested protesting the murder of Amadou Diallo by New York police officers.
Recently, 12 people were arrested in Atlanta protesting the use of primates in drug addiction experiments at Emory University.