His arrest has triggered protests in Croatia.
Many people believe that Gbagbo's arrest could trigger more resistance against the French troops and pro-Ouattara forces.
Those arrests triggered an investigation that is still active into what French counterterrorism officials call "the Chechen network."
His arrest triggered a decade of extradition and deportation proceedings.
Instead, Dahl's arrest had triggered a terrible series of events.
Resentment built, and at 4:45 pm, the arrest of a young black man on Atlantic Road triggered the worst race riot in England's history.
Hoffa denied the charges, but the arrest triggered additional investigations and more arrests and indictments over the following weeks.
But the arrests and trial triggered a series of events and revelations.
The arrests led to an outcry across the province and triggered mass protests.
Trivedi then thanked his supporters for rallying around him after his arrest triggered a debate over free speech in the world's largest democracy.