The arrest statistics, the police say, show crack's effects.
Mr. Rosenbaum said of the arrest statistics.
Yet in precinct after precinct, these individual accounts are supported by the most recent arrest statistics.
As chief of ER, he still had access to all cardiac arrest statistics, since his staff responded to calls from the floors.
Low or falling arrest statistics are used to assert that the incidence of the relevant crimes is low or now under control.
"I've been an active cop in my command," Mr. Lynch said in response to his arrest statistics.
New recruits are taught the basic hard-nosed approach and sense quickly how the department measures success in terms of arrest statistics and response time.
And squad members spend two weeks out of 10 in warrant-service duty to discourage an overemphasis on compiling arrest statistics.
I did actually try and start looking for arrest statistics for the four different police forces but after ten fruitless.
A trade-off, perhaps; a time when we need to bump-up the arrest statistics.