The arrest and execution of Khosro Roozbeh in 1957-8 signaled the end of this process.
Lawyers and human rights officials said they fear that the arrests signal a broadening of the Government's attack on the country's legal establishment.
These arrests signaled the first official admission that Italian intelligence agents were involved in the abduction.
Ratko Mladić's arrest clearly signals that the commitment to international criminal justice is entrenched.
And Metro-North officials were trying to reassure people that the arrests did not signal a crackdown on a form of recreation enjoyed by thousands of their riders.
The police said the arrests did not signal a resurgence of the gang, but were more of a mopping up of remnants who had continued in crime.
Government officials said they were concerned that the arrests could signal a breach of security involving secret military, nuclear, political and criminal issues.
The arrest of 65 high ranking government officials and intelligentsia on the night of Sept 10, 1937 signaled the launch of the purges in earnest.
"For them, too, his arrest signals the end of an opportunity for them to ever go home to a free Laos," Mr. Thao said.
Mr. Homsi's arrest in August of that year signaled the end of the new tolerance.