While about 20 suspected militants were sentenced to jail terms in summary trials, most of the scores arrested in recent weeks have since been released.
In addition to those 12, at least a dozen people have been arrested in recent weeks in connection with the attacks, many of them Sandinistas.
Already, with mounting public attention, a number of circumcision schools have been shut down and several people have been arrested in recent weeks.
Three prominent human rights activists have been arrested in recent weeks, joining two others facing similar charges.
About 25 coca growers have been arrested in recent weeks.
Others were arrested in recent weeks.
There seems little chance that Gaddafi will be arrested in coming weeks even if the warrants are issued.
An accompanying article makes fun of several '60s do-gooders who've been arrested in recent weeks for crimes of greed.
They said at least half a dozen other officials and many prominent local deal makers have also been arrested in recent weeks.