Mr. Cary was arrested in a protest at which demonstrators used stones and bowling balls to break windows at the recruiting office.
In addition, the District Attorney dropped charges against 20 people who were arrested in a protest in December.
The 12 had been arrested in a protest at the Police Academy three days after the Diallo acquittals.
Eighty-four demonstrators, including at least two children under the age of 10, were arrested today in a protest against the long-delayed Seabrook nuclear power plant.
She was arrested in New York City in 1968 in a protest against the proposed expressway across lower Manhattan.
A judge today dismissed charges against 13 civil rights leaders arrested in a protest of the city's housing program.
He has acknowledged that he was arrested in Japan in such a protest.
The year before, 102 people were arrested in a similar protest.
It left him, for example, unable or unwilling to pursue charges against people arrested in a 1988 abortion-clinic protest.