Inside the cube, its array of neural pearls were generating an image of the Koribu as seen from an approaching Xianti.
Solar EOR uses solar arrays to concentrate the sun's energy to heat water and generate steam.
A deployable solar array will generate power for the spacecraft components and will charge the spacecraft's 125 amp-hour nickelhydrogen (Ni-H2) battery.
Because such an array generates vast quantities of data, it is desirable to improve the statistical reliability of the data through experimental repetitions.
The satellite's solar arrays generate 11.4 kilowatts of power.
In the first 5 years of operation, the solar array generated 5-6 thousand kWh.
So, conservation has suddenly become a top concern in Connecticut, despite the state's four nuclear power plants and an array of gas, oil and hydro generating facilities.
The solar arrays generate 1238 watts of power.
Its solar array generates 1700W power, backed up by 24 A h Ni-Cd batteries.
This includes an array of 77 KW photovoltaic solar panels on the library roof will generate a significant amount of the electricity used in the building.