Institutional arrangements of a nation's political economy tend to push its firms toward particular kinds of corporate strategies.
Although she incorporates fresh flowers into her designs, the arrangements tend to be long-lasting because of all the dried ingredients.
But even the arrangements tend to emphasize ensemble playing over improvisation.
This arrangement, however convenient, tends greatly to mar the beauty of Canadian scenery.
The arrangement tends to force all involved to communicate and negotiate in ways they did not when the children were pre-adults.
Since railways are much more expensive than roads to rebuild to avoid this problem, the criss-cross arrangement tends to last a long time.
But such arrangements have also tended to stir strong opposition from environmental groups.
These arrangements tend to be very beneficial to both because of the personal commitment involved.
Such arrangements tended, and tend, to perpetuate grammar schools within comprehensive schools.
Whether written or not, these arrangements tend to favor the party with the greater sophistication or the more control over the production of the event.