He said his group advises people to ask a lot of questions about fees: What does "flat fee" mean if the first arrangement falls through?
This arrangement fell apart at the end of the 1980's when the state fell into a deep recession.
But the arrangement, which was opposed by its unions and state officials, fell apart a year ago.
The arrangement fell to one side in thick curls.
He lived there until 1994, when the arrangement, he said, fell apart and she asked him to leave.
If my child-care arrangements fall apart, I simply don't work.
The social arrangements, when our meal was over, fell of themselves into the right train.
However, the arrangement fell through, leaving Asimov's the only story actually completed for the project.
When the arrangements with another producer fell through, he took the job "somewhat under protest."
All the arrangements for the party are falling into place.