In the stairwell itself, Zach Hadlock has arranged strips of lumber and fluorescent light fixtures to create "Gooseberry" and "Hazards," intriguing relief-like abstractions that hark back to the non-objective constructions of the Bauhaus and de Stijl.
Herman Costa, for example, arranges strips of photographs taken in public photo booths to establish a grid structure for compositions that evolve from frame to frame.
The Lady of the Acoma watched with unreadable eyes while Arakasi arranged strips of needra on thyza pastry.
Last year, Carolyn Weigel, a librarian at Ursinus College in Pennsylvania, arranged strips of bacon in the shape of France - a tribute to Francis Bacon, who wrote, "Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested."
One of the women who prepared the special meat approached, carrying a tray of neatly arranged dried strips.
He began to arrange strips of bacon in a skillet.
Arrange strips of pastry in a lattice pattern on top.
Mr. Patwardhan, who performed most of his ceremonies in small apartments and was as respectful of the city's fire laws as he was disdainful of superstition, simply created a symbolic wedding fire by arranging tiny strips of wood in a small brazier and setting them alight.