However, within a year his mother Joséphine had arranged his return to Paris.
The parents flew to Boston that day to identify the bodies and arrange their return to New York.
Sir, I had originally planned to be gone only a short time, and arranging my return was the least of my worries.
Wilkie came up the sand and arranged her return with M. Grimaud.
And once she knew that Data was human, and could and did love her- The gods must have arranged his return.
He said Syria had asked the International Red Cross to arrange the man's return.
Kathleen left for the United States later that year to arrange Eldridge's return and raise a defense fund.
We'll arrange your return to Pacem as quickly as possible.
Captain King, I ask you to arrange my return to Earth as quickly as possible.
He purchases a second hand chair to be his royal throne while arranging his return to Ireland.