However, a recent death in the royal family prevented any immediate invitation, so Leopold arranged other engagements.
Thanks to her friendship with the queen, the king had professors and bishops investigate the matter and then issued a new law that banned parents from arranging engagements for their minor children.
Often, ACMRS is also able to arrange speaking engagements for the distinguished visitor at the University of Arizona in Tucson and Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff.
Already a millionaire, he says job offers have been piling up and agencies that specialize in arranging speaking engagements have guaranteed him almost unlimited work.
The group arranges speaking engagements at schools and parishes, writes letters to local politicians, plans an annual service for families of murder victims and opposes capital punishment.
The firm will also arrange interviews and speaking engagements with international media, as well as speaking slots at major conferences.
The committee is also trying to find out if he violated Senate rules by arranging speaking engagements in Boston that would pay for trips he made there for personal reasons.
He is poised to sign another contract with the William Morris Agency to represent his own book, a 430-page memoir, and to arrange speaking engagements and television and movie projects in the United States.
The Countess's previously arranged engagements on 17 and 18 November have now been cancelled.
The NTCC ministerial leadership arranges engagements of teenage girls to much older ministerial students, many of whom are in their twenties.