He is sure his realistic war toys will arouse parental protests, which are always good for sales.
News of the Republican Citizens' showing aroused protests late into the evening.
We are clearly in sensitive territory, the kind that might arouse protests, which is the last thing network television entertainment wants.
Traffic congestion became the burning problem in the community, and subsequently aroused protest.
The latest raid has also been condemned by Sikh leaders but aroused few public protests.
Given William's youth, and the nepotism which gave rise to it, his appointment might have been expected to arouse protest.
This aroused considerable protest from parents, teachers, and even board members, and lawsuits were filed against the district.
The arrest has already aroused protests from politicians, journalists and business leaders, both Russian and foreign.
This judicial murder of a distinguished scholar aroused protests from some reformers, especially in Italy.
Predictably, the system has aroused protests that it is an Orwellian "big brother" abuse of authority.