He prepared for it with six months of cross-training, a fitness program structured around several sports.
Like many small towns, the cultural life of the community revolves around the arts and sports related to the school.
From an early age, Adams had been around professional sports.
This program is specifically designed to put together kids from urban, suburban and rural settings, let them mix around sports.
Furthermore, the camp introduced a unique program centered around sports, specifically those in which the boys could not participate during the off season.
He was a prolific author, writing more than one hundred books, mostly children's novels centered around sports.
The struggle for overall control of television revolves increasingly around sports.
If you want to create a development plan anchored around sports, it can be exciting and successful.
But then again, I'm a man who spends too much of his life around sports, and may be a little numb.
Boyle continued to work around sports as an athletic official and umpire.