'Arthur' revolves around the lives of Arthur Timothy Read, an anthropomorphism aardvark, his friends and family, and their daily interactions with each other.
Much of the book revolves around the central character "Yr Protagonist" and his interactions with his friends and family.
In his previous videos, the story centers around a teenage boy in school, and his interactions with the other characters.
The show revolves around Ellingham's interactions with the local Cornish villagers.
She rooms with fellow cancer patient Claudia (Martha Plimpton), and the majority of the film revolves around their interactions together in their hospital room.
The older members of the Hearte family remained through most of the show's run and later storylines revolved around their interactions with neighbours and friends.
Music video game - a video game where the gameplay is meaningfully and often almost entirely oriented around the player's interactions with a musical score or individual songs.
The plot revolves around her interactions with the dreams of a serial killer.
The story centers around a corrupt summoner and his interactions with a demon.
She explores the relationship between the body and nature, while trying to weave a story around their interactions.