The students live on campus and enjoy trips around Israel and activities throughout the year.
The curriculum had to be teacher-friendly and immediately useful to the students, while being based around questions and activities.
Do you find most of your personal connections revolving more around activities than relationships?
After restoration, ideas for what to do with the church have centered around cultural activities, consistent with similar such secondary uses in the past.
The case is one of several here revolving around years-old activities.
Centered around activities, only in the process of a meaningful activity will organize the nervous system.
He argued that economic change revolves around innovation, entrepreneurial activities, and market power.
Programs revolve around activities, usually in the outdoors, as well as spiritual input and development.
From an economic point of view, the town was developed around port-related activities.
Thus, much of their lives revolves around social activities, and food is a central feature of gatherings.