It is built around a 20-megahertz version of the Intel Corporation's 80386 microprocessor.
There is particular mystery around a more sophisticated version of the centrifuges that Iran denies ever building.
The play is loosely centered around an exaggerated version of Hermes Phettberg's life and character.
Her story centers around a younger version of herself, Natasha Woode.
Once the visitors put on the helmets with interior screens and headphones, they will find themselves looking around a computer-generated version of this cave.
The ride will allow children to drive their own cars around a miniature version of the theme park.
The language stabilised around a version of KLambda that contained 46 primitive functions.
This project is built around a national version of the hit local song My City.
Seaside's developer wanted to do something that broke with beachfront resort tradition, and imagined a little town built around a pre-automobile version of community.
The story, which takes place in 1814-15, centers around an alternate historical version of the War of 1812.