During the Patriotic War of 1812, he oversaw recruitment and management of army supplies.
I think it necessary that the Senate look after army supplies, at least for the present.
In 1869 there was a major reorganisation of army supply and transport capabilities.
Trænregimentet is the Danish regiment for army supply and emergency medical personnel.
When working class women started to plunder a ship with army supplies, the military was brought in.
The main roads were cut by the Druze, disrupting the Egyptian army supplies.
On 21 June 1895, the government lost a vote in committee on army supply by just seven votes.
To some degree, this was turned into an advantage with the development of the tabor - military horse-drawn wagons, usually carrying army supplies.
They also said that those who occupied Ocotal had good communications equipment that could have been acquired only by someone with current access to army supplies.
Their factories produced blankets, uniforms and other army supplies.