The Egyptian army razed 16 villages before taking Nablus.
In 1521 during the Spanish conquest of Mexico the army of Hernán Cortés razed Xaltocan and burned it to the ground.
The victorious armies then razed, depopulated and destroyed the city over several months.
A week after the takeover satellite images show that the Sudanese army burned and razed about one-third of all civilian buildings in the town during the violence.
He went east and battled for the tyrant Gorben; his army razed cities, villages, nations.
An army of radical anarchistic lvets was marching downriver, razing villages as they went, looting and raping.
The armies of Pharaoh Ahmose I seized and razed the town after a three-year siege.
The army attacked and razed the town of St. Augustine, but could not gain control of the fort.
His army sacked numerous cities and razed Aquileia completely, leaving no trace of it behind.
They were like a retreating army razing a place rather than leaving anything for those who followed to occupy.