At the same time his army ravaged the island and built a huge camp next to the city but just out of missile range.
An army estimated to number 10,000 men ravaged the country around the castle in 1252.
Moving across, the Mongolian army encountered no resistance and ravaged the area en route.
Sarakos made our task the easier, for his armies ravaged the land.
Norse and Danish armies ravage the south-east, but fail to capture London.
In 1247 the army of Frederick II ravaged it.
Her army ravaged Asgard, killing some and converting the rest to her warriors.
Now the army of Gaul was ravaging the land it meant to save from Caesar.
Finland was a battleground as both armies ravaged the countryside, leading to famine, epidemics, social disruption and the loss of nearly half the population.
The Polish army frequently ravaged it during the Time of Troubles.