The French army then proceeded along the coast and besieged Gravelines.
It was unclear how the army would proceed in the area.
The army proceeded to a site 40 miles southwest of the capital where they built Camp Floyd.
The Egyptian army proceeded to raid the environs of Aleppo.
And that, as the warm weeks of autumn passed into a pleasant October, is what the besieging army proceeded to do.
Beyond this the army proceeded to systematically desecrate and destroy many of Rajarata's most sacred sites.
Likewise, the army assigned to march down the eastern bank also did not proceed.
This army proceeded to march to Oaxaca on 10 November 1812.
After developing bridgeheads across the Prut, the army proceeded with its main advance on 2 July.
The bodies were reburied before the army proceeded to Prophetstown, which it reached on 19 November.