At this time, the Arabian army, known as the Sabaens, moved to Ethiopia.
He may have had some authority over the division of the army known as the Arsiyah.
A small army of enterprising Egyptians, known as facilitators, wait outside the building to hire themselves out as guides.
When a helicopter was needed, the Government made one available from the country's small army, known as the Jamaica Defense Forces.
Strategic direction is a group of armies also known as task (field) forces or battlegroups.
They used a private army known as Razakars (Hyderabad).
With his army, known as "Villistas", he joined the ranks of the Madero movement.
This army, known as a legion, is pursued by the angry dead on its search for the gates to the underworld.
Under them were their retainers who composed the army, known as the knights.
It was part of the new army also known as Kitchener's Army.